Web site promotion and internet marketing for domestic companies

Your web site should be the focus of your promotion and marketing to increase domestic and international traffic to it.

It should be powerful enough to then convert a significant proportion of your visitors to the next stage in your sales process.

As domestic internet marketing consultants, we can help you to get the most out of your web site and the internet. This includes:

* Integrating your marketing strategy and internet strategy to get them working together. We can review your marketing plans to make your web site promotion and internet marketing work more effectively alongside your offline marketing on your domestic or international markets.

* Copywriting for powerful sales content and generating direct response where you want it. Good text, designed for your target audience, is vital to maximise your sales but also to obtaining targeted traffic from search engines.

* Implementing e-commerce solutions for domestic or global sales. Many businesses start off with an information or ‘brochure’ site. Providing good quality online sales capacity can mean your customers receive more immediate service and have a reason to return to you for repeat sales.

* Internet domain marketing and search engine marketing to increase targeted traffic to your website from internet searches. See our service pages for what these could do for your business.

* Affiliate marketing to increase targeted traffic to your website but from other sites, for example through your own affiliate commission scheme. We can advise you on domestic affiliate schemes, help you set up your own scheme and identify possible affiliate partners.

* E-mail marketing and sales including autoresponders to increase conversion rates.
This can be a very powerful sales approach with the right target base. We can help you on technical and marketing set up, list building and copy writing.

* Monitoring your internet and web site performance. This area is often neglected but good monitoring can identify how to maximise the impact from your promotion spend and maintain your sales performance.

* Keeping you up to date with new ideas and internet marketing developments. Sign up for our newsletter and/or free marketing courses .

Contact us for a free consultation on your marketing strategy and internet strategy integration or any of our range of internet marketing services.
